@database "SmallBench Documentation" @author "Tom Oszczepalski & Paul Hernik" @(c) "Copyright by Martin Huttenloher" @$VER: SmallBench Documentation 1.1 (4-May-95) @width 80 @node Main "SmallBench Documentation" 4 May 1995 @{" S M A L L B E N C H " system "run >NIL: multiview ShowWB"} @{"v1.1" link History} (Based on MagicWB by Martin Huttenloher) by Tom Oszczepalski & Paul Hernik @{i}DREAMS COME TRUE NEW QUALITY FOR NO-LACERS@{ui} @{" Introduction " link Introduction} ..................... Why we created SmallBench @{" Requirements " link Requirements} ............... What you need to use SmallBench @{" Features " link Features} ................... The SmallBench feature list @{" Installation " link Installation} ........................ How install SmallBench @{" Standard !!! " link Standard}@{b} ........ Standard for all NON-LACE icons makers@{ub} @{" Legal Stuff " link Copyright} ............... Copyright, Licence & Disclaimer @{" Credits " link Credits} .......... Acknowledgements to all contributors @{" History " link History} ....................................... History @{" Authors " link Authors} ......................... How reach the Authors @{" At The End " link atend} ......................... At The End some words @endnode @node Introduction " Introduction " .oO @{b}INTRODUCTION@{ub} Oo. This is Small MagicWB package from us, Tom Oszczepalski & Paul Hernik. This is the solution for those who like MagicWB but haven't multisync monitors. We were tired, All non-lace icons are ugly!! So we took all the original MagicWB Icons (and some others) and we created new icons for 'non proportional' resolutions. Either we added some new icons, trashed some of Martin Huttenlohers and put them all. We suppose this is @{b}new quality@{ub} for no-lace icons. We had have stolen lot of ideas from most of the MagicWB packages out there. This package contains all standard System-Icons and more others. @endnode @node Features " Features " .oO @{b}FEATURES@{ub} Oo. o @{b}Icons dimension are the same (As oirginal Commodore OS2.0, OS2.1, OS3.x)@{ub} o All Icons are 8 colors, 3 bitplanes. o SmallBench features standard for the NON-LACE AMIGA workbench Image-Drawers! o All Icons have been painted 'pixel by pixel' so All icons are High Quality. o MUI Images: arrows, popup, popfiles etc. @endnode @node Installation " Installation " .oO @{b}INSTALLATION@{ub} Oo. Click on 'ClickForColors' for the MagicWB v2.0 palette. Use a icon update program, MUIReIcon or IconUpdate, which preserves the tooltypes and position of the icon, to update your old icons. Search in Aminet (ftp.luth.se:pub/aminet): MuiReIcon223.lha util/wb 68K Program for comfortable changing Icon-Values IconUpdate.lha util/wb 20K Icon Replacement Tool v4.05 MUI_IconUpd12.lha util/wb 26K Replacement for IconUpdate, req. MUI 2.0 @endnode @node Copyright " Legal Stuff " .oO @{b}LICENCE@{ub} Oo. MagicWB is Copyright by Martin Huttenloher. For more details check out the MagicWB archive (Licence). Many of the icons in this archive are based on icons designed by Martin Huttenloher and others MagicWB creators. (If your icons are in this package send me your credits) The distribution and production modified icons is done with permission of Martin Huttenloher. .oO @{b}DISCLAIMER@{ub} Oo. We'll take no responsibility for you getting laughed at for using these icons!. Neither any damages caused to your Amiga. We also take no responsibility for any of the text in this guide file, as We live in a free country with the right to speak freely. .oO @{b}DISTRIBUTION@{ub} Oo. This icons may be freely distributed via InterNet/UseNet, BBSs, Aminet CD-ROM, software libraries as long as the archive is not modified. And as long as no profit is made by the distribution of this package. Programmers & creators of PD-software are allowed to include single icons of this package in their own package-distributions. @endnode @node Requirements " Requirements " .oO @{b}REQUIREMENTS@{ub} Oo. - You will need at least Kickstart 2.0. Small MagicWB is supporting all Kickstart/Workbench versions beginning from version 2.0. - MagicWB supports OS3.x in a special way: OS3.x users will benefit from a better palette, a better color handling and AGA-Patterns. - You should use a 'non-proportional' resolution like Hires. (pixels are about twice as high as they are wide) @endnode @node Credits " Credits " .oO @{b}CREDITS@{ub} Oo. We want to thank the following persons.: - Martin Huttenloher - for creating MagicWB. - Other Authors - for wonderful icons (We based on) @endnode @node History " History of Changes " .oO @{b}HISTORY@{ub} Oo. version 1.1 (4-May-95) - Many new icons added - Some icons were improved - MUI images added version 1.0 (5-April-95) - first release (uff) @endnode @node atend " AT The End " .oO @{b}AT THE END@{ub} Oo. If you would like to add or see own icons added to this package send us a mail. If you have any suggestion send @{"us" link Authors} a mail either. @endnode @node Authors " Authors " .oO @{b}AUTHORS@{ub} Oo. @{b}Tom Oszczepalski@{ub} Snail mail: ul. Norwida 6/78 25-410 Kielce Poland Phone: 041-310419 @{b}Paul Hernik@{ub} Email: spi-ph@srv1.tu.kielce.pl Snail mail: ul. Nowowiejska 24/3 25-532 Kielce Poland Phone: 041-27012 @endnode @node Standard " Standard for Icons " .oO @{b}STANDARD@{ub} Oo. This is proposal for all which have order on Workbench. We suppose, Nobody like unequal icons. We propos for standard icons dimension from original Commodore icons. We guess, Original icons dimensions are very good for non-lace icons. So, If you want made icons profit by Templates. All @{"Templates" system "run >NIL: multiview SPECIAL/TemplatesIFF/Icons.IFF"} are in: As icons ---> SmallBench/SPECIAL/Templates directory. As IFFs ---> SmallBench/SPECIAL/TemplatesIFF directory. MUI Images @{"Templates" system "run >NIL: multiview SCREEN SPECIAL/TemplatesIFF/MUI_Images.IFF"} are in: As images ---> SmallBench/MUI/Images directory. As IFFs ---> SmallBench/SPECIAL/TemplatesIFF directory. If you have other opinion about standard send to @{"us" link Authors} mail or write. @endnode